Pterygoid Dental Implants

Pterygoid Implants in Hyderabad


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Pterygoid implants, also known as zygomatic or zygomaticus implants, represent a specialized type of dental implant designed to anchor in the pterygoid bone, offering a unique solution for individuals with insufficient maxillary bone for traditional implants.

Pterygoid Implants in Hyderabad

Pterygoid implants, also known as zygomatic or zygomaticus implants, are a specialized type of dental implant used when traditional implants cannot be placed due to severe bone loss in the upper jaw (maxilla). These implants are anchored in the zygomatic bone,which is located in the cheekbone area, providing a secure foundation for the placement of dental prosthetics like bridges or dentures.


The placement of pterygoid implants involves the following steps:

  • Assessment and Planning: The first step is a thorough evaluation of the patient's dental and medical history, along with diagnostic imaging, such as X-rays and CT scans, to assess the bone density and location of the zygomatic bone. This evaluation helps determine if pterygoid implants are a suitable option.
  • Anesthesia: Local or general anesthesia is administered to ensure the patient's comfort during the procedure.
  • Incisions: Small incisions are made in the gum tissue at the predetermined implant sites in the cheekbone area and, if needed, in the remaining upper jawbone.
  • Implant Placement: Specialized pterygoid implants, which are longer than traditional implants, are inserted into the zygomatic bone through the incisions. These implants are anchored securely in the cheekbone, providing stability even in the presence of severe bone loss.
  • Attachment of Prosthetics: After the implants are in place, abutments are attached to them. Abutments are connectors that extend above the gumline and serve as attachment points for dental prosthetics like bridges or dentures.
  • Final Restoration: Once the abutments are securely in place, the final dental prosthetic, such as a bridge or denture, is custom-fitted and attached to the abutments, restoring the patient's ability to chew and speak effectively.

What is pterygoid implant?

Implants which placed from maxillary tuberosity to pterygoid bone. Other names: Pterygoid implants/ Tubero Pterygoid Implants/ Pterygo-maxillary Implants

Why pterygoid implant?

Posterior maxilla Quality and Quantity:

  • Quality: D4 Poor Trabecular Soft Bone
  • Qantity: Available bone is less. Crestal Alveolar Bone Resorption from bottom + Sinus Pneumatization from the top

Pre Implant Procedures are must

  • What are the different treatment options in these situations?
  • Sinus Lifts: Direct/ Indirect
  • Bone grafting/ Bone Augmentation

Pterygoid Maxillary Buttress: Butress is anatomically designed to take up the forces. 6-7mm thick cortical bone attached to active muscles. 3rd cortical and 2nd cortical bones have minimum remodelling capacity. 2 to 2.5% compared to 25% of cancellous bone/ year.

  • Macro mechanical anchorage
  • Bone Quality: Alveolar Bone Density
  • Bone Quantity: Alveolar Bone Volume
  • Minimum inventory: Drills Handpiece Equipment

Pterygoid Anatomy

When so many advantages, Why implantologists are scared? To do them?

Complicated: Pterygoid anatomy

  • Part of Spenoid bone
  • 2 perpendicular plates

Lateral Pterygoid: attachment to masticatory muscles

Medial pterygoids:

  • Pterygoid fossa
  • Pterygoid hamulus: Medio Inferio extent of Pterygoid. Sharp point. So we need to place the implant lateral and superior to the Pterygoid hamulus.
  • pyramidal process of palatine bone Ptergo Palatine Fossa or Pterygo Maxillary Fossa
  • Target: pterygo maxillary fissure: Vital structures??


  • Less time consuming - 72 hours loading possible
  • Less painful – no bone graft or augmentation required
  • Less surgical procedures – minimally invasive with less drilling
  • Less expensive
  • Less number of visits

Frequently Asked Questions

Get Every Single Answers There if you want
  • When might I need Pterygoid Implants?

    You may need Pterygoid Implants if you have significant bone loss in your upper jaw, making it challenging to place traditional dental implants or perform bone grafting procedures.

  • Is the procedure painful?

    Pterygoid Implants are typically placed under general anesthesia or sedation, so you should not feel pain during the surgery. Some discomfort and swelling can be expected afterward, but our dental specialist will provide pain management options.

  • How long does the recovery period last?

    The initial healing period typically lasts a few days to a week, but it can take several months for the implants to fully integrate with your natural bone. Our dental specialist will provide you with a personalized recovery timeline

  • How much do Pterygoid Implants cost in Hyderabad?

    The cost of Pterygoid Implants can vary depending on factors such as the number of implants required, the type of prosthetic teeth used, and the dental specialist's fees. It's best to consult with our specialist for a personalized cost estimate