Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment in Hyderabad


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Renowned for its reliability, The Dental Specialists in Hyderabad is a trusted hospital for top-notch root canal treatments. With a skilled team and advanced technology, they provide effective and pain-free solutions to restore and preserve your dental health.

 Root canal treatment in Hyderabad

Now days, with revolutionary changes in concepts, root canal is considered as a routine & painless procedure and done only in one visit. Root canals are done with state of art high tech equipments with the use of advances machinery such as cordless Endomotor, Hyflex EDM file system ,Apex locator , digital xrays.

What is Root Canal?

Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic therapy, is a dental procedure aimed at saving a severely infected or damaged tooth. The process involves removing the pulp, which contains nerves and blood vessels, from the tooth's interior. The emptied space is then cleaned, disinfected, and filled with a dental material to prevent further infection. This procedure helps alleviate pain, preserve the tooth, and restore oral health.

When do we need to go for Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment is typically recommended when the pulp, which is the innermost part of a tooth containing nerves and blood vessels, becomes infected or damaged. Common indications for needing a root canal include severe toothache, prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold, swelling or tenderness in the gums, and the presence of a pimple on the gums. Additionally, trauma or injury to a tooth can also necessitate root canal therapy. Dentists assess these symptoms through clinical examination and imaging studies, such as X-rays, to determine if a root canal is required to save the tooth and alleviate pain or infection. Early intervention is crucial to prevent the spread of infection and avoid the need for tooth extraction.

What is Root Canal Procedure?

Root canal treatment typically involves several steps. Firstly, the dentist numbs the affected tooth and surrounding area to ensure the patient's comfort. Then, an opening is made in the tooth to access the pulp chamber and root canals. The infected or damaged pulp is carefully removed, and the interior of the tooth is thoroughly cleaned and shaped to eliminate bacteria. After cleaning, the space is filled with a biocompatible material, and a temporary or permanent filling is placed. In some cases, a crown may be recommended to strengthen and protect the treated tooth. This procedure effectively addresses infections, relieves pain, and enables the preservation of the natural tooth structure.

Benefits of Root Canal Treatment

  • Complete cessation of pain and sensitivity.
  • Tooth is protected from complete wear and strain.
  • Healing of pus filled cavity ie complete disinfection of the tooth.
  • Normal and efficient chewing.
  • Retention of natural tooth structure.

Who Can Perform Root Canal Treatment

  • General dentist – 5 yrs of general training in dentistry.
  • Endodontist – 5 yrs of general training in dentistry + 3 yrs of specialized training in root canal treatment.

Misconceptions of Root Canal Treatment

  • Myth #1: Root Canal treatment is painful.
  • Truth: Root canal treatment doesn’t cause pain, it relieves it.
  • Myth #2: A good alternative to root canal treatment is extraction (pulling the tooth).
  • Truth: Saving your natural teeth, if possible, is the very best option.
  • Myth #3: Root canals have very low success rate.
  • Truth : Root canals have a success rate of about 95%

As recently as 2013, research published in JAMA Otolaryngology—Head & Neck Surgery, found that patients with multiple endodontic treatments had a 45 percent reduced risk of cancer.

Consequences of Delaying Root Canal Treatment

There are several risks of not getting a root canal in a tooth in which it is needed.

  • First, is the loss of that tooth.
  • Second, is the spread of the infection and abscess to another tooth.
  • Third, is a possible infection in the face and neck. Left untreated the infection could spread to the brain resulting in death.

Post Root Canal Care & Pain Management

  • Avoid eating after the procedure, especially while your mouth is still numb
  • Attempt to avoid chewing or eating with the area of your mouth that your treated tooth lies in. Once restored (after the second visit) you can resume normal function
  • Brush and floss as you normally would
  • The temporary filling may begin to wear off in thin layers before your next appointment. This is nothing to be alarmed of, however you believe the whole filling has become removed contact your Endodontist immediately.

Cost of Root Canal Treatment

There are multiple factors that affect the cost of root canal treatment in India. From the doctors conducting the procedure to the city in which the treatment is done. Read about the factors that affect the cost of root canal treatment.

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