Ten Most Common Dental Problems

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Ten Most Common Dental Problems

Good health begins with good habits, that include healthy food, and digestion of food begins in the mouth. It’s imperative that we take good care of our teeth for its the teeth that help us chew, grind, cut and crush food into fine bolus that’s ingested. Awareness of common problems of teeth helps us prevent dental diseases thereby enhancing and improving our overall general health. Timely recognition and immediate attention prevents pain and suffering resulting from neglect and ignorance. 

Here are the ten most common problems of teeth. 


Dental caries, also called as cavities, are the most common form of dental problems faced by almost everyone in the world. When brushing is improper, food gets stuck to tooth surface leading to small holes in the teeth. These, if ignored, can become bigger, cause sensitivity and pain in the long run. To know whether we have cavities or not, visiting a dentist is the best option. We can also suspect cavities if we feel food getting lodged, or if the tooth becomes sensitive to cold or sour or heat or sweets. These cavities must be filled immediately, otherwise they may become bigger and lead to complicated problems.



Bleeding gums are one of the most important problems of teeth supporting structures that if neglected can lead to loose teeth, bad breath, and infections. The most common cause is plaque and calculus deposits due to improper oral hygiene. The deposits can be cleaned by a dentist regularly to keep the gums healthy. 


Halitosis, also called as bad breath, is a very common and irritating problem in many people, who shy away from opening their mouths in front of others due to embarrassment. However, a visit to the dentist will help diagnose the problem, whether the cause is extraoral or intraoral, and suitable treatment is offered. Never shy away from consulting your dentist. Calculus, plaque, stains and deposits on teeth cause bad breath, and your dentist would do a cleaning procedure called scaling, and make your teeth cleaner and healthier!


4. TOOTH ABRASIONS                                                                                                                                         Due to very heavy forces applied during brushing, The enamel at the gum level gets worn off exposing the Dentin, leading to sensitivity. This too is very common. Treatment consists of filling the areas with a cement, or root canal treatment and crown. Learn how to brush properly from your dentist.

5. TOOTH SENSITIVITY Sensitivity can occur due to several reasons and your dentist would be the best judge to diagnose, and treat it accordingly. Sensitivity will make us keep away from cold drinks, ice cream, sour and sweet foods, or sometimes hot beverages. Timely intervention will help us prevent further deterioration. 



Tooth fractures are rather commonplace in kids when they fall or get hurt during play, or in road traffic accidents. It’s very important to rush immediately to a dentist, than wait. The dentist will perform emergency treatment and if conditions are favourable,  The tooth may be saved. The longer we wait, there are more chances of losing teeth. 



Very regularly we see people without teeth struggling to chew foods they love. This problem is universal, and solution is simple, consult your prosthodontist, and get them replaced. Else, there will be a severe malfunction of masticatory apparatus.


Orthodontic malocclusion is very common among growing children and your orthodontist would be the right specialist to treat the unsightly appearance into a beautiful smile! If you feel your teeth are not aligned properly, please consult your orthodontist. Treatment involves braces or aligners. 



Fluorosis and hypoplastic teeth are relatively common and require special treatments for aesthetics and function. The enamel is weakened, and chips off easily, leading to exposure of Dentin and thereby causing sensitivity and tooth fractures. Root canal treatments and crowns are usually done to protect these teeth for a long time. 



Impacted teeth are very common, especially in age groups between 18 to 30. Most commonly impacted teeth are the wisdom teeth, causing severe gum inflammation, inability to open mouth, or chew, and thereby require removal under an oral surgeon’s guidance. This is a minor surgical procedure, and once the impacted teeth are out, after a few days of healing, The problem is removed in entirety and never recurs. If you need help with your troublesome wisdom teeth, visit an oral surgeon.