- Wisdom tooth extractions are a normal experience for most of the adolescents. Even though it's a frequent surgery, many of us back out from it because of the agony involved.
- It’s unclear why the removal of wisdom tooth is mislabelled to as a complex and painful surgery. Perhaps the memory of the procedure is more recent than any childhood dental visit. Irrespective of the reasons, wisdom tooth extractions hold a special place in people’s imagination as a worst nightmare.
- We are here to let you know that wisdom tooth extractions can be a relatively safe and painless (except from some post-operative soreness) procedure when performed by a skilled oral surgeon and it’s nowhere as scary as you think it is.
- While patients can resume to their normal lifestyle following wisdom tooth extractions, some amount of soreness may persist for a short while. In fact, if a patient has not yet got their wisdom teeth extracted, they are more likely to go through even more discomfort.
When is removal of wisdom teeth indicated?
- Not all of us develop wisdom teeth and even if we do, not all wisdom teeth needs removal. If you do experience your wisdom tooth coming through, it does not necessarily mean that there is something wrong with you.
- You may want to consider seeing your dentist and take x rays to see what’s going on with your wisdom tooth behind the gums. From the resulting images your dentist will guide you in making a decision regarding the potential direction of growth of your wisdom tooth and if it’s likely to cause any trouble.
- If ithas plenty of room to grow and appearstobegrowing, it's probably best to leave it alone and let ittakeits natural course.However,ifyouare already experiencing pain or ifthereisariskthatyour wisdom teeth willaffectyour existing teeth, you may needto have themremoved sooner orlater.
- Before determining if an extraction is required, your dentist will look for all the following signs and symptoms during a routine dental examination.
- Abnormal positioning of the wisdom tooth and making it difficult to clean the area
- Food entrapment and bad breath
- Having partially come through giving bacteria a place to enter the gums
- Crowding of the remaining teeth
- Damage to nearby teeth
- Formation of cystic lesions
- The presence of one or more of these signs would mean that you will require removal of the wisdom teeth
How is a wisdom tooth removed?
- To begin with, any terrifying tales that you have heard about getting your wisdom teeth extracted are untrue
- .As far as a patient is concerned, all dental procedure experiences are almost the same. It only consists of lying on the chair with your mouth wide open and feeling no pain and only mild pressure
- The procedure can be performed effortlessly under local anesthesia unless complicated by patients health condition or deep positioning of the tooth within the jaw bone, which may require general anesthesia to be employed. In such a case, the patient may still be under the effect of anesthesia after the procedure. Thus, it is necessary to have a friend or family member drive the patient home
- Once the anesthetictakes effect, your surgeon will make incisions in your gums to visualise the tooth. A drill like dental surgical instrument is used for safely removing your wisdom tooth. Your gums will heal more quickly if your surgeon sews the incisions closed. Over time, the stitches will disappear, becoming invisible.
- After having your wisdom teeth out, the recovery part is the most difficult. During the next few days, eating may be challenging while your gums heal, so adequate rest for a day and painkillers will be essential.It is a frequent treatment, but it is still serious dental work, so you should be prepared for some discomfort and swelling in the coming days
- Returning to normal day to day activities for most patients occur within 24 to 48 hours after the procedure, including going back to school or office. However some patients may require additional days off work due to swelling and pain. It all depends on each patient and how the patient’s body responds
- Certain complications may arise during or after the wisdom tooth removal which can be handled effortlessly by your surgeon. Even though they are not considered dangerous, strictly following the instructions provided by your oral surgeon will more likely lead to a faster recovery.
If any of this is relatable, Let us help you!
- Forget all the anxiety that creeps into you when you hear about wisdom tooth removal. Few years back, this procedure might have been more difficult and painful. But thanks to our modern era treatment aids like 3D imaging and powerful long acting anesthetics, wisdom tooth removal has become one of the uncomplicated and easy dental surgical procedures. The procedure is quick, affordable and painless, your personal comfort and smooth experience is of utmost importance to us
- Remember, the longer your wisdom tooth pain lasts, the worser it gets. Call to book your appointments at the first sign of discomfort. Our experienced and friendly staff will be happy to help you in any way they can.