1. What is Pterygoid Implant?
Implants which placed from maxillary tuberosity to pterygoid bone.
Other names: Pterygoid implants/ Tubero Pterygoid Implants/ Pterygo-maxillary Implants
2. Why Pterygoid Implants?
1. Posterior maxilla Quality and Quantity:
Quality: D4 Poor Trabecular Soft Bone
Quantity: Available bone is less. Crestal Alveolar Bone Resorption from bottom + Sinus Pneumatization from the top
2. Pre Implant Procedures are must
What are the different treatment options in these situations?
Sinus Lifts: Direct/ Indirect
Bone grafting/ Bone Augmentation
3. Pterygomaxillary Buttress: Buttress is anatomically designed to take up the forces. 6-7mm thick cortical bone attached to active muscles. 3rd cortical and 2nd cortical bones have minimum remodelling capacity. 2 to 2.5% compared to 25% of cancellous bone/ year.
Macro mechanical anchorage
Bone Quality : Alveolar Bone Density
Bone Quantity: Alveolar Bone Volume
Minumum inventory: Drills Handpiece Equipment
Pterygoid Anatomy:
When so Many Advantages why Implantologists are scared?? to do them??
Complicated: Pterygoid anatomy
– Part of Spenoid bone
– 2 perpendicular plates:
Lateral Pterygoid: attachment to masticatory muscles
Medial pterygoids:
– Pterygoid fossa
– Pterygoid hamulus: Medio Inferio extent of Pterygoid. Sharp point. So we need to place the implant lateral and superior to the Pterygoid hamulus.
– pyramidal process of palatine bone
Ptergo Palatine Fossa or Pterygo Maxillary Fossa
Target : pterygo maxillary fissure: Vital structures??
- Less time consuming – 72 hours loading possible
- Less painful – no bone graft or augmentation required
- Less surgical procedures – minimally invasive with less drilling
- Less expensive
- Less number of visits
Still have questions about your Dental Implants? We’d love to talk with you. Don’t hesitate to request an appointment online , over the phone or our website to contact us @thedentalspecialists.in
Book an appointment WhatsApp/ SMS/ Call: +91 9000021174/ 9959448800/ +91 9177671117
or whatsapp: https://wa.me/919000021174
For any further queries visit our website: www.thedentalspecialists.in