Missing teeth can affect a person's overall health,” explains Gulf Dental Speciality Hospital’s Periodontist & Implantologist, Dr. Fady Abillama
Historically, dentures or bridge restorations were used as replacements for one’s lost teeth, but with limited results. “Dental implants, however, are natural-looking replacements for missing teeth that provide the same function as your natural tooth-root,” Dr. Fady explains.
They have restorations for greater success and patient satisfaction.The effects of missing teeth are detrimental to one’s long-term oral and medical health because teeth provide more functions than just the ability to chew. They are necessary for the health of the gum as well as for the jaw tissues.
A prolonged absence of a tooth will severely limit the possibilities for restorations. Missing teeth severely affects an individual’s
confidence; well being and can make one look older than they actually are. A tooth should be replaced as soon as it is lost, this will retain one’s oral health by preventing bone loss, reducing movement of surrounding teeth and avoiding excess decay. It can also improve your smile and the shape of your face.
Dental Implants are permanent and quite an appealing solution to replace missing or extracted teeth. This is because of their proven success! “They are not susceptible to cavities. They are better than other alternatives like bridges because no additional teeth need to be altered to place the new tooth. They are designed to mirror the size, shape and function of a patient’s natural tooth root, and finally when doing an implant, there is no need to grind down healthy adjacent teeth. The implant provides support for the crown.”
“The process is not as complicated as one may think. The first step is to install the implant itself, and then two to three months later, once the implant is healed, we restore it with an abutment and crown. A permanent crown is placed to restore the implant to the tooth’s natural appearance and function”.Wondering whether you are a good candidate for a dental implant?
“All patients older than 18 years are candidates for implant surgery,” confirms Dr Fady
Still have questions about your Dental Implants? We’d love to talk with you. Don’t hesitate to request an appointment online , over the phone or our website to contact us @thedentalspecialists.in
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or whatsapp: https://wa.me/919000021174 For any further queries visit our website: www.thedentalspecialists.in